Chakra Series: Solar Plexus

Manipura (the solar plexus chakra) is typically shown as a 10 petaled yellow flower.

Now lets dive into the third chakra: Manipura, the solar plexus chakra.

Typically represented by the color yellow, the solar plexus is located in the abdomen (, and your "fire in the belly". It is physically connected to the upper abdomen, stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, spleen, and intestine. Emotionally, the phrase commonly associated with this chakra is "I do", and is the chakra that truly helps the "self": self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

If you are experiencing a misaligned solar plexus chakra, you may suffer from poor digestion, intestinal problems, diabetes, eating disorders, hypoglycemia, gallstones, and liver issues. Additionally you may be feeling a lack of self esteem, overly sensitive to criticism, indifference, inability to see others for how they are (versus how you view them), fear, hatred, a lust for power, submissive, and giving away your power.

A great way to build back up that "inner fire" of powerful self respect is to meditate or wear energetically healing crystals such as citrine, amber, tiger eye, pyrite, and calcite. For an extra boost, wear or diffuse bergamont or juniper essential oils (remember to use a carrier oil if you have sensitive skin, and only use high quality oils).

Set aside a time that is dedicated to just you. During this "me-time", listen to crystal singing bowls, especially the letter "E", for its solar plexus chakra healing abilities. Roll out your mat, and engage in some self empowering yoga, making sure to include poses that correspond with the third chakra, such as boat pose, upward bow pose, and half lord of the fishes pose. After your yoga practice, honor this beautiful special time that you dedicated to yourself. Chant the mantra "Ram", or create a confidence boosting mantra, such as "I control my personal power. I am worthy of being loved and respected. I love myself."

Check back for the next chakra in the series: the heart chakra!