Celestial Considerations: November 28th to December 3rd


This week's Celestial Considerations with Brenda is packed full of passion, power, revelation, and expression. Get ready!

Tuesday 28th: Mercury Sagittarius conjunct Saturn in Sag

This energy helps take your plans and thoughts and brings them into form.  This aspect is concentrated and focused, making it a very good time to make your lists... put those thoughts down on paper!  With Sagittarius, you have the added help, and maybe even courage, to move beyond where you were before; last year or even last week.  This is all about being true to yourself... who you are and what you have become.  I really love what these planets are doing here just as we enter this holiday season.

Friday 1st: Venus moves into Sagittarius and Mars in Libra is in opposition to Uranus Rx in Aries

Venus in Sag. until Dec 27th will be all about what you love and value, in all directions and areas of your life.

Mars and Uranus in opposition; that good ol’ tug of war, this tension brings awareness to you. Uranus, demanding change on the dime, and Mars, your life force defending the right to navigate through life your own way.  This one will flow nicely for you if you take a look at your soul, and view where in your life you need to readjust.   This is a good reminder to not do something just because that’s the way you’ve always done it before.  I can about guarantee you are going to witness someone getting defensive, or judgmental (going to war). Uranus is retrograde (little harder to discern) and in fiery Aries, so it will be certain to heat things up when there is resistance to change and Mars is sitting right there ready to become the warrior.  Step back if and when you need to, for yourself or for others.

Saturday 2nd: Jupiter in Scorpio is trine Uranus and Mercury goes retrograde

Make certain you have backed up your data before Mercury goes retrograde.  It does not go direct until Dec 23rd.  Communications are effected, so it is good to double check, have it in writing, keep your receipts and allow extra time when traveling. Be flexible and Stay Aware. 

Expansive Jupiter in this aspect with Uranus to change things up again, but with added inspiration and passion.  We have the fiery energy to move this one and the emotions in passionate Scorpio to feel it.  Let this one fill you with joy as you move through and forward.

Sunday 3rd: Full Moon in Gemini and Sun in Sag is square Neptune in Pisces

Do you remember what you planted during the New Moon in Scorpio? This is the time to bring it forward to manifest and grow. Don’t worry if by chance you had a memory lapse about that seed planted during the New Moon……..It will come forward, and with it in Gemini ,it is going to be easy for you to communicate and express what is in your heart.  This Full Moon may bring you new revelations and a new awareness.

The Sun and Neptune square adds a friction here, or turning point over what exactly is true and what is false.  There could be a loss of illusions with more truth and awareness bringing things out into the open.  I feel when we have the awareness ahead of time that this is about to happen we can observe and honor it for the gift that it is. Enjoy.

In Spirit,
