Posts tagged crystal spotlight
Crystal Spotlight: Beginner Crystal Healing Techniques

Have you been interested in trying crystal healing, but not known where to start?

Don't be intimidated! Now is a perfect time to dive right in!

First thing is first: Find your crystal! One way to pick a gemstone is based on research. If there is something in particular you'd really like to focus on with your crystal healing, Judy Hall's Crystal Bible or Crystal Prescriptions can help point you in the direction of what would traditionally work best. If you want to find a crystal more intuitively, let your gut guide you. Look for which color, size, and shape you are most drawn too, ignoring which is the "prettiest" or "perfect shape". Often I find myself drawn to a new crystal without quite knowing why, only to go research it afterwards to find it aligns perfectly with what I am dealing with at the time! Always remember, your intuition is a powerful tool!

Have your crystal now? Great! Now it is time to cleanse it! Crystals that have been hanging out in boutiques and shops have been around a lot of different people and different energies, so I always recommend cleansing a crystal once you take it home. Not sure how to cleanse? I covered it in this blog post!

After your crystal is cleansed, it is a great time to set your intention. Why are you working with this crystal? What is the most benevolent outcome you'd like to manifest? While holding or touching your crystal, feel the connection between you, your crystal, your higher power, your breath, and the earth. Let your intuition guide you whether you would be best served using this as a quiet meditation time or a time to state your intention/mantra/prayer aloud.

Try to connect to your crystal everyday- hold during meditation, place on your chakra points you are looking to heal, place under your pillow, center it in a grid , place under your pillow or beside your bed, keep in pocket as a touchstone during your day to day life.

Don't rush the healing process, or place any extra-ordinary expectations from the get-go. Be open to the healing and enjoy the experience!

Crystal Spotlight: Moldavite

Moldavite is out of this world!

Sorry, folks, I figured I would just get the cheesy joke out of the way from the get go! Moldaviteis a form of tektite, meaning it is a natural glass created from a meteor collision, estimated to of occurred between 12-14 million years ago. It can be found in Czech Republic, and is a deep green, wrinkly, rugged, and small in size.

Are you looking for a gentle, mild crystal that will slowly ease you into change? If so, I would suggest looking elsewhere, because Moldavite is not it!

Moldavite carries an intense frequency, and many people experience what is sometimes called a "Moldavite Flush", where they feel an intense shift in energy or heat when they first pick it up. I have personally experienced this when I was first exposed to this incredible stone: A few years ago, my grandmother placed one in my hand, and I experienced a unique energy swell, more of a swirl than I had ever felt in the past. Intrigued but a little unsettled, I was unsure what to do with that experience, so I chalked it up to "I am not ready for Moldavite yet", and waited... And waited... And waited.... Until recently, when I came across that same Moldavite white sorting through my late Grandmother's crystals with family, and intuitively knew now was the time.

Moldavite is known as a immensely powerful stone of transformation, designed for a purpose and will catapult you along your spiritual journey, evolved your personal relationships, elevate your meditation, and stimulate occurrences of coincidence, connectivity, and synchronicity.

It is firstly associated with the Heart Chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions, while helping us adjust to the ebb and flow of relationships and accepting of change and growth within them. It brings up what one most needs to recognize, honor, integrate or release, potentially something buried down deep or held on to from other lives. Moldavite is also connected to the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, opening you up to divine information from the universe, especially during meditation. Experiment holding Moldavite while meditating, and see what you can learn!

Due to Moldavite's intense vibration, some people experience a lack of grounding or light-headedness, so I recommended gradually acclimating yourself when wearing it, building up how long you have it on over time.

A large percentage of Moldavite out in the world is fake, so steer clear from iffy colors, insanely cheap prices, and large sizes. As tempting as a large piece may seem, remember when something seems good to be true, it usually is! Additionally, I keep a general rule of not buying any Moldavite from online vendors I am not familiar with, and prefer to purchase in person.

Another small note to remember: when cleansing your Moldavite, do not use the salt water technique as it is too abrasive. I personally like to use moonlight and selenite to cleanse and recharge mine.

So I would love to hear, have you had any experiences with Moldavite?

Crystal Spotlight: Crystal Grids

Once you begin learning about crystals, you may find yourself... accumulating. Gemstones in the windows, on table tops, in bowls, in your jewelry box, in your garden... everywhere! So what do you do with your collection?

The answer: crystal grids!

Crystal grids are a powerful tool that allow you to harness the energy of multiple stones and direct it towards a specific intention. By aligning crystals strategically, you can create!

The first step is deciding on what goal or creation you would like to manifest. Do you want to improve your overall health? To bring more prosperity and abundance into your life? To sleep better? To improve self-esteem? To bring about world peace? There are endless possibilities, but whatever you choose, make sure that it possesses a positive intention.

Next, find a place where the grid will be set up. They can go anywhere that feels pertinent, such as a sacred space, an alter, a desk, your garden, or even under your bed! Ensure that the space will be undisturbed so the grid can do its work, and that it is clean both physically and energetically (I like to use a cleansing essential oil spray on the surface and in the air).

Now comes my favorite step: collecting and placing your crystals! (Make sure your crystals have been cleansed recently... learn how here.) With most crystal grids, there is a central crystal, typically larger and occasionally pointed as to direct the energy. The central crystal's properties and purpose are amplified by the other crystals present, and is chosen due to its pertinence to the grid's intention.

After placing the central crystal, place your surrounding crystals that will enhance the intention of the grid. By following a sacred geometry pattern (either printed below or intuitively), symmetrically spread the surrounding crystals around the center crystal. While placing your gemstones, focus on what the grid is intended to achieve, and once all the crystals have been arranged, link the crystals (either with a crystal wand or your finger) to get the energy flowing.

When I first started learning about crystal grids, I found them a little intimating... How do I do it? How many crystals do I need? Where do I put them exactly? Now, I love trying different grids and creating my own! Now, I love to incorporate crystal grids with other elements, such as candles, oracle cards, written intentions, you name it! So if you are just starting out, until you get to the point where you feel you can create grids intuitively, I will share a few grid combinations so you can get creating!

 Crystal grids ideas are coming your way soon, so stay tuned!

Until then, I would love to hear: What grids would you like to see examples of? Do you have any experience with crystal grids?