Posts tagged orange
Chakra Series: Sacral
Swadhisthana (the sacral chakra) is commonly represented as an orange flower with six petals.

Today's feature of the Chakra Series: Swadhisthana, the sacral chakra.

Commonly represented by the color orange, this chakra is associated with the phrase "I feel!". Located about three inches below the navel, in the center of your lower belly, it is responsible for the sexual organs, stomach, liver, spleen, lymphatic system, and the middle spine. It is a control center for your emotions, along with your relationships, passion, creativity, flexibility, and enthusiasm.

Signs of a misaligned sacral chakra can physically manifest as lower back pain, sciatica, pelvic pain, urinary problems, and gynecological issues. Emotional symptoms of a imbalanced sacral chakra include feeling stuck in particular mood, feeling out of touch with yourself, being ruled by your emotions, extremes in libido (either overindulgence or lack of sexual desire/satisfaction), dependency (on others or a substance), guilt/inability to let go, and frequently experiencing intimacy issues in relationships.

For healing crystal energy that can facilitate the opening of emotions and encourage the flow of creativity, try carrying or wearing crystals such as garnet, carnelian, citrine, moonstone, orange calcite, and tiger eye.

Essential oils such as ylang ylang, sandalwood, and orange can be beneficial aromatherapy, especially if used on pulse points, sacrum, lower abdomen, or as a daily perfume. As the sacral chakra is commonly associated with the element of water, these oils would also make a great combination for a bath. For a complete experience, create a sensual environment by lighting candles and listening to singing bowl therapy, specifically the note "D", while you relax in the tub.

Try partaking in a Kundalini yoga class, which can help encourage the flow of energy/chi. During your home practice, focus on flow rather than execution, and try to incorporate triangle pose, pigeon pose, and bound angle pose.

The sacral chakra is all about flow and feeling, so now is the time to dance! Find your favorite song, turn it up, and get grooving! (I am a frequent participator in solo dance festivals around my house... hairbrushes may possibly be used as pretend microphones so I can lip sing along... but I admit to nothing!). If dancing isn't your thing, try a creative activity such as drawing, cooking, singing, or writing. Just get those creative juices flowing!

During meditation, try to focus on opening up the flow of your emotions, chant the mantra "Vam", or create a liberating personal mantra such as "I enjoy the pleasures of life to the fullest. I am flowing with creative ideas. I am aware and connected with the positive energy of others."

Next on the Chakra Series: the solar plexus chakra!