Posts tagged giveaway
Giveaway: Win An Essential Oil Spray, Rose Quartz Pendulum, and Gemstone Bundle!

Over the past few months, I have been overwhelmed by the love and support for Blue Lotus! To show my appreciation and return the love, I'm doing a giveaway! Yippee!

I am giving away a Joyful essential oil spray, Rose Quartz pendulum, and a bundle of amazing tumbled gemstones!

First up is a Joyful essential oil spray! With a base of Vitajuwel crystal infused water (with a mix of amethyst, clear quartz, and rose quartz), it mixes essential oils of lemon, mandarin, bergamot, ylang ylang, rose geranium, and rose. This uplifting mix can be used as a cheering room spray, and I love using it as a daily perfume! Spray some in your hair, and you can smell wonderful all day!

Next is the rose quartz pendulum. Rose quartz is a beautiful crystal that encourages love for yourself and others! Since it corresponds directly with the heart chakra, this could be a great pendulum if you find yourself needing help finding answers that come directly from the heart. To learn more about how to use a pendulum, click here to check out my previous post! 

Finally, lets check out the assortment of crystals you will receive! They have all been cleansed and charged with a crystal singing bowl session, so you can be assured they have some fabulous energy to them. 

From left to right, starting from the top row:
- gold tiger eye (a protecting, grounding stone which enhances integrity, willpower, and confidence)
- hematite (protects and connects us to the earth that improves memory and concentration)
- rose quartz (stone of universal love, trust, harmony, peace, and self-acceptance)
- unakite (enhances your third eye, assists in sleep, and balances your emotions)
- sodalite (calms the mind, encourages intuition, and releases fear, phobias, and guilt)
- green aventurine (helps with love relationships, releases stress, and brings good luck)
- banded amethyst (boosts intuition, cleanses the aura, and repels negativity)
- apache tears (absorbs negative energy and comforts grief)
- green moss agate (balances emotional energy and enhances concentration)
- quartz (opens the mind and heart to higher guidance and is a good overall healing stone)
- snowflake obsidian (calming and soothing, and gives awareness of negative patterns)
- blue lace agate (calming, gives a sense of peace and tranquility, helps with expression)
- green fluorite (highly protective and enhances personal growth)

Enter below, and don't forget to share this giveaway with your friends!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Lots of love!