Posts tagged holistic
How to Use Steam Inhalation with Essential Oils

During these cold, dry, winter months, it is not uncommon to have clogged sinuses, dry noses, and head colds. I hate reaching for over the counter cold-medicines, so I always try to use alternative remedies, like oils! Essential oils can be immensely beneficial both for opening up your breathing pathways and speeding up recovery with their healing properties. However, when you are sitting there stuffy and miserable, what is the best way to use them?

Steam inhalation introduces essential oils quickly and directly into the sinuses and lungs. When done correctly, steaming essential oils can be a great way to offer immune and respiratory support, along with helping clear the sinuses and mucus membranes. Sounds great, doesn't it?A naturopath recommended this technique to me years ago, and I have used it countless times since then! Go put the kettle on, and lets get started.

With a clean towel set aside, fill a glass bowl with hot steaming water. How hot, you ask? You want the water hot enough to steam, but not so hot that it will burn your skin or your sinus tissues.

Add one drop of high quality of essential oil into your bowl of steaming water.

Create a mini steam tent by placing your clean towel over the back of your head and shoulders, closing your eyes, and leaning over the steaming bowl of water. What should result is a lovely steam bath that should quickly provide relief!

Depending on your own judgement, lean further away or further in towards the bowl to find your ideal experience. Remember to keep your eyes closed so that you don't irritate your eyes with the oils. This should be a comforting and nourishing experience, not an uncomfortable or overpowering one.

I love to do this when I am feeling a cold coming on, or when I am desperate for relief from congestion or seasonal allergies. I've also found it helpful for insomnia and the occasional headache, so find what works for you.

(By the way, this is not recommended for young children, for people on medications, or for people over the age of 65, so I like to recommend checking with your doctor or a certified aromatherapist first if you have any questions or concerns.)

Have you done an essential oil steam bath? What is your favorite oil to help with sinus relief?