Crystal Spotlight: Beginner Crystal Healing Techniques

Have you been interested in trying crystal healing, but not known where to start?

Don't be intimidated! Now is a perfect time to dive right in!

First thing is first: Find your crystal! One way to pick a gemstone is based on research. If there is something in particular you'd really like to focus on with your crystal healing, Judy Hall's Crystal Bible or Crystal Prescriptions can help point you in the direction of what would traditionally work best. If you want to find a crystal more intuitively, let your gut guide you. Look for which color, size, and shape you are most drawn too, ignoring which is the "prettiest" or "perfect shape". Often I find myself drawn to a new crystal without quite knowing why, only to go research it afterwards to find it aligns perfectly with what I am dealing with at the time! Always remember, your intuition is a powerful tool!

Have your crystal now? Great! Now it is time to cleanse it! Crystals that have been hanging out in boutiques and shops have been around a lot of different people and different energies, so I always recommend cleansing a crystal once you take it home. Not sure how to cleanse? I covered it in this blog post!

After your crystal is cleansed, it is a great time to set your intention. Why are you working with this crystal? What is the most benevolent outcome you'd like to manifest? While holding or touching your crystal, feel the connection between you, your crystal, your higher power, your breath, and the earth. Let your intuition guide you whether you would be best served using this as a quiet meditation time or a time to state your intention/mantra/prayer aloud.

Try to connect to your crystal everyday- hold during meditation, place on your chakra points you are looking to heal, place under your pillow, center it in a grid , place under your pillow or beside your bed, keep in pocket as a touchstone during your day to day life.

Don't rush the healing process, or place any extra-ordinary expectations from the get-go. Be open to the healing and enjoy the experience!