Posts tagged coconut oil
For The Love of Lavender

Looking around my home, you will notice a common theme... lavender hand soap, lavender bubble bath, lavender room spray, lavender candles, even lavender tea! Needless to say, I am absolutely in love with lavender!

Lavandula angustifolia, aka lavender, is known for its powerful relaxing qualities. Good for both the body and the mind, it should be staple in every household. I have always loved the variety of ways you can use it, and its positive effect on my life. In case you are in need of some inspiration, I compiled a quick list on how to add lavender into your life!

Drink a cup of lavender tea each evening, or whenever you are overwhelmed with stress. If you can, get the highest quality of loose lavender buds, brew it in a tea infuser like this one, add a tiny smidge of honey (if you must), and enjoy it about 20-40 minutes before bedtime. If you're like me, you might fall asleep before you even finish your cup!

Soak in a hot bath with a couple cups of epsom salts and a few drops of lavender essential oil. When my body feels tense, soaking in a lavender bath for at least 20 minutes releases any tension I have, softens the skin, and inhaling the lavender aroma calms my mind as well. When I am done soaking, the lavender scent stays with me long after I dry off.

In the summer, combine a drop of lavender oil with coconut oil, and apply it to sunburns or insect bites. This calms the skin and relieves itching, therefore allowing the skin a better chance to heal.

When doing laundry, insert a satchel of lavender buds to the dryer to result in yummy smelling clothing and sheets. 

Lavender plants are beautiful, smell wonderful, and are pretty hardy, so plant a few bushes in your garden so you always have access to some!

Use an essential oil diffuser to diffuse lavender into your bedroom at night, or to create a relaxing atmosphere in an office or treatment room. 

Put a sprig of dried lavender or a satchel of dried lavender buds in your car to freshen it up instead of using chemical-based air-fresheners.

Put a drop of lavender mixed with a carrier oil (like coconut or jojoba) on the bottom of your feet at night for a deep, restful night's sleep.

I rotate in a coconut oil/lavender oil combination into my skincare routine a few times a week to give my face a break from salicylic acid treatments, while still fighting off acne and clogged pores. I moisturize my face, then use the mixture for the rest of my body as well!

When sick, inhaling the steam of lavender can help fight of bacteria and infections due to its antibiotic and expectorant properties. If you are feeling under the weather and stuffy, fill a bowl full of hot water, add a drop of lavender essential oil, and lean over the bowl with a towel over your head and the bowl (trapping in the steam). Be careful the water is not too hot, as to not burn your face with the steam. 

If you are prone to depression, anxiety, or constant stress, keeping a vial of lavender essential oil nearby can be helpful. When I feel like my mental health could use a tune up, either wearing lavender or just smelling it seems to be the emotional boost I need. (Obviously, if your need of a "mental health tuneup" is severe, consult a professional.) Put a drop or two in your hands, cup them to your face, and breathe in slowly and deeply. 

Well, now that lavender is on my brain, I'm going to go put the kettle on to make a cup of tea!

Do you love lavender as well? What is your favorite use for it?