Posts tagged yoga
Why Do Yin Yoga Poses Have Different Names?
Photo by Cindy Marie Photography

Photo by Cindy Marie Photography

Sleeping swan. Seal. Banana.

For someone new to yin yoga, it can be a bit disorienting at first to hear seemingly random names attached to poses that seem familiar. If the pose looks the same as an asana commonly seen in a yang-style practice, why the heck is it called something different?

This is deliberate!

By shifting the name of the pose, we ask you to shift your intention with the pose as well. By leaving your preconceived notions of what a pose should look like and accomplish at the door, you can now experience it in a completely new way.

Bernie Clark, one of the leading yin educators, sums it up well:

“The yin pose of Swan looks identical to the yang pose of Pigeon, but in Pigeon, as in most yang poses, the muscles are the targets. In a yang pose, we engage the muscles and stretch them. In the yin practice, we relax the muscles; we aim our intention into the joints and the deep tissues wrapping them, not the more superficial tissues of the muscles or skin.” (source)

Yin yoga does not have a concrete set of names for each pose, so while there is overlap within the yin world, so you may find each teacher may call a move a different name depending on their linage (and their creativity)!

As the world of western-yoga begins to move away from the rigidity of traditional yoga principles and values, and instead prioritizes a more tantric experience, I find that introducing yin yoga and philosophy to your routine shakes up our previous notions of what a yoga practice “should” look or feel like.

Share below one of your favorite yoga asanas, yin or yang!

Yin Yoga 101: What Is It and Why You Should Be Practicing It

For both beginning and experienced yogis alike, attending a yin yoga class can feel like a foreign experience: seemingly familiar poses have different names, you stay in a pose for what can seem like an eternity compared to a fast-flow class, you are encouraged to “find your edge” but still use props for support, you can feel new sensations in your body, and unearth emotions you weren’t necessarily trying to dig up.

And yet, despite that potential initial experience, I am here to tell you yin is the transformational yoga style you have been looking for. Yin yoga is its own unique experience where we aim to safely stress and stretch our connective tissues in a meditative practice that will leave us feeling more flexible in mind and body!

Lets break down the basics, shall we?

When students are new to yin yoga, I try to summarize this style into three key elements:

  1. “Finding your edge.”

  2. Stillness.

  3. Time.

Finding your edge is always an important practice of yoga, both on and off the mat. This can also be described as “finding the point where you are challenged and putting forth effort, while still staying safe, balanced, and in control”.

Within the spectrum of yin yoga, we become intimately aware of our edge throughout our internal journey in each pose… when you tune into your body, are you fidgeting? Breathing hard and uneven? Desperate to get out of the pose? Conversely, are you experiencing any sensation, or could you fall asleep right then and there? What do you feel when you take a step back or take a step deeper? How does the sensation change when you add or take away a prop? What about changing your angle in the pose, or releasing a limb out to find your own comfortable variation of the pose? The ideal place to be is where you are feeling a stretch, but avoiding sensations of burning, stinging, stabbing, tingling/electrical, or anything else that makes you go “ugh!”. Ask yourself: where does your body want to go, and where does it naturally want to stop?

Yin is uniquely different than other yang forms of yoga in that we are targeting the connective tissue and not the muscles. Therefore, once we find this point of sensation, or our “edge”, we remain still. Sarah Owen, one of the leading yin yoga teachers in Australia, says “The more internalized tissues are best nourished when the muscles are not engaged but instead kept relaxed, and when the poses are held for longer periods.” One of these internalized tissues shes referring to is the fascia, which can be described as “a silvery-white material, flexible and sturdy in equal measure–a substance that surrounds and penetrates every muscle, coats every bond, covers every organ, and envelops every nerve.” (source) Fascia needs at least 90-120 seconds of sustained pressure to change and stretch, so by relaxing into stillness in each pose, we are giving ourselves the opportunity to dive deeper and deeper into our connective tissues, safely and slowly.

With many modern yoga classes aimed at “Beginner Flow”, “Power Flow”, or “Booty-Shaping-Yoga-Sweat-
Intensive” (okay, I made that last one up) where you are constantly flowing through a series of poses, its surprising to people who come to a yin class and find we stay in each pose for anywhere from an average of 1-10 minutes. Typically in my classes, I aim for a minimum of 3 or 4 minutes and a maximum of 8 minutes (with the exception of savasana), and give a cue halfway through to allow for adjustments and then time to settle back in. While this ideally gives us at least 90-120 seconds within each pose once we are properly propped and settled to target our fascia, hopefully more, this also allows us to experience a mini meditation within each pose as well. As we explore our relationship to our edge, how to do we explore our relationship with stillness? We are constantly moving our bodies and minds onto the next thing we need to tackle each day, so yin allows us not only a chance to tune into our body throughout the practice, but also our current inner mental and emotional self. What can we find when we stop rushing and just be?

I encourage you to track down a trained yin-yoga teacher in your area to fully experience this yoga style for yourself, along with picking up The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark, a fantastic book that gives a great introduction to yin. Yin is great for those looking to try something new, those looking for something to complement their active yang practice or sports activities, gosh it’s just great for almost everyone, so get to it!

For my Bozeman locals, I am currently teaching a Restorative Yin class on Sunday nights from 5:30pm - 6:45pm at YogaMotion Academy over on the north end of town. Drop-ins are welcome, and I’d love for you to join us!

Now, this is just a very-brief introduction to the wild-world of yin yoga, so stay tuned for more posts where we dive in further! Anything in particular your curious or confused about? Comment below!

A Quick Word on Yoga and Social Media

My personal asana practice ebbs and flows, between diligent and inconsistent, challenging and gentle, spiritual and physical. Some days I am limber and my body flows into difficult poses, but many other days I struggle just to touch my toes.

I used to put myself down for it, because I thought I was failing myself and the "yoga lifestyle" by not getting on my mat everyday. However, our current society often forgets yoga is not just confined to our physical practice, especially with yoga's representation on social media. Its harder to photograph ourselves being compassionate, harder to get "likes" of us being mindful and open-minded in our everyday moments, so we typically default to visually engaging asana variations (like the image above) instead.

These can be fun, inspiring, beautiful, and conversation-starting… but let us also remember the yoga outside of the poses we scroll past everyday. You don't have to do a handstand to practice deep breathing, you don't have to be able-bodied to quietly meditate, you don't have to wait for your yoga mat to sit up straight and roll your shoulders back.

Yoga, as a whole, is for everybody and every body...

Photography by Cindy Marie Photography

Yoga Teacher Training: Halfway Point / Growing Pains
Screen Shot 2017-02-19 at 1.10.24 PM.png

If anyone has been wondering, "Where the heck is Blue Lotus lately?", I'll tell you.

I've been busy getting my world rocked by yoga training.

My yogi tribe and I are about halfway through with our 9 month yoga teacher training program, and thus far it has been a wild ride. As much as I am incredibly grateful for the ongoing transformation I am experiencing with this journey, I would be lying if I wasn't feeling some growing pains.

The training program I am in with focuses on personal growth for the first half of the training, which back when I was signing up for the course, I was insanely pumped for.

Yes! Personal growth! Transformation of self on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level! And homework everyday to keep me on track! This is going to make me the best yoga teacher ever! I am so in!

So as training began, not surprisingly, my outlook on life began to change. I began to see relationships, opportunities, events, and even myself all in different lights. Transformation was happening! This is what I signed up for! And what did I do?

(Hint: The answer is not "I became the enlightened yogini goddess now gleaming before you. Here, let me effortlessly transition into Scorpion pose while I recite the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by heart.")

The truth is, I freaked the hell out.

As soon as I started to actually feel change, pushing me into a space and person I was not yet familiar with, I immediately pushed it all away. My personal asana practice went down to the bare minimum. I procrastinated on assignments. I ditched the readings of sutras for hardcore Netflix marathons. Meditation practice was practically non-existent. My day to day life felt increasingly hard, and I felt like I was spiraling. I began questioning everything, and not in a positive way. My physical health reverted to catching every illness sweeping its way through town, and I even missed the third month of training due to the flu. I somehow managed to get together things in time for the fourth module, but I walked in feeling confused, stressed, and a bit like a fraud.

That weekend, however, my spark was reignited. As soon as I settled onto my mat, surrounded by my peers, I started remembering why I was doing this in the first place. My passion for asana practice. My devotion to meditation. My unquenchable desire to absorb as much information as I can get my hands on. We explored new sequences, suggestions for asana support, tantric philosophy, arm balances. I emerged refreshed, and ready to get back to it!

So naturally, I went home, and immediately went back into my old, unhealthy routines. Brilliant, I know.

Until fate intervened a couple days later, in the form of a gigantic, week-long migraine-of-death. Now, this was no ordinary headache. This was a "hide in the bathroom where there are no windows to let light in, constantly wearing earplugs and an eye mask, no appetite, can't think straight, for days on end" type of ordeal. Super fun! In the days following, while I was learning that multi-day migraine hangovers are apparently a thing (who knew?), I came to the realization that this migraine was not a coincidence, and was trying to tell me something.

This migraine forced an immediate stop to what I was doing (i.e. settling back into my poor routine), along with triggering what can only be described as a cathartic release of sadness, anxiety, and stress. I walked away from the whole ordeal a bit shaken, but with eyes open. Life was going to keep happening, change was going to come whether I embraced it or not, and the biggest thing I have control over is my perspective.

I slowly found myself turning towards better habits. Rolling out my yoga mat more, and staying on it for longer. Actually using my meditation timer app. Cutting down on screen time. Limiting social media scrolling. Decreasing sugar and other non-nourishing food from my diet. Staying more up to date with assignments. Definitely slow, but steady, improvement.  Although I wouldn't go as far as saying I have finally "figured it all out", I have noticed some big differences by learning to let go of what does not serve me.

Our latest training weekend, where we dove into the chakras, was incredibly fun and inspiring! Plus, I felt incredibly reassured as I realized the rest of the group was experiencing their own versions of these growing pains as well! I felt anxiety rear its ugly head once or twice, but I chose to step back and take the role of the observer, acknowledging it, but not being controlled by it, until it eventually calmed down. This training is not only shaping me into a yoga teacher, but also reminding me of the tools I always have at my disposal to handle life's ups and downs.

We head into our next module in just a few days, and although I still have a little bit to catch up on (my procrastination habits may always be a work in progress), I feel a little bit more confident that I don't have to be the "always level-headed, go-with-the-flow yogi goddess" to be a successful yoga teacher, or person in general. I can still be my awkward self, experiencing struggles and triumphs, learning all along the way.

Meditations from the Mat
“The real payoff of a yoga practice, I came to see, is not a perfect handstand or a deeper forward bend—it is the newly born self that each day steps off the yoga mat and back into life.” 
Rolf Gates

Last fall, I began attending a small weekly yoga class, run by a wonderfully kind and experienced yogini who converted her home into a working yoga studio. After about an hour long class (which ranges from yin to ashtanga style, and always includes laughter and helpful assistance), we settle in for savasana. Once our instructor Chris ensures that we are all comfortable and relaxed (she provides all props, including cozy blankets and hot massage rocks to lay on for sore muscles), she typically reads us an excerpt from an article or book. While completely surrendered in savasana, I felt the words met no resistance and poured directly into my soul. By what I am convinced is some sort of yogini mind-reading magic, she would somehow choose passages that spoke directly to my current situations. I recall one day that the passage was so timely and encouraged me to release my fear, and I found myself needing a few moments extra to wipe away a few tears as well. On the days that I was particularly moved, I would ask where the passage came from. Her answer: Meditations from the Mat.

Meditations from the Mat is a book by Rolf Gates, and I recommend it to anyone with even the slightest interest in yoga. Divided into 365 passages for daily reading, each chapter studies all of the aspects of the 8 limbs of yoga in a very approachable manner, with tips and insights along the way.

I like to have it close to my yoga mat each day, so that once I finish savasana, I can sit with my tea and read a passage. Here is a quote I came across today that I absolutely love:

“Love is not a thought, it is an action. And each loving action that we take infuses us with more energy for loving action in the future.” 

Do you have a favorite yoga book right now? 
Why We Say "Namaste"

"I honor the place in your where the entire universe resides... a place of light, of love, of truth, of peace, of wisdom. I honor the place in you where when you are in that place and I am in that place there is only one of us."
Mohandas K. Gandhi

If you've been to a yoga class (or probably even if you haven't), you've heard the term: "Namaste."

What does it mean?

In Sanskrit, the word ‘namah' means bow, ‘as’ means I, and ‘te’ means you, translating into “I bow to you.” Due to a varying language translations, there are many additional interpretations, but every translation contains the same essential intention:

The Divine light in me honors the Divine light in you.

Used by Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, and other religions, it is commonly said with a slight bow and hands in prayer position either at the heart or raised to the forehead. It can be a greeting or a closing, or simply a way to acknowledge someone's blessed spirit.

So namaste, my beautiful friends, and may the light, love, beauty, power, gratitude, spirit, and strength in me honor that within you.
Simple Trick for Tight Hamstrings and Sore Feet

"Body is not stiff, mind is stiff." 
Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois

I have ridiculously tight hamstrings. Like, "can barely touch my toes on a good day" tight. I dream of one day having my heels touch the mat during downward dog. However, until that day, I am doing what I can to increase my flexibility and softly stretch my tight muscles.

Thankfully, one of my favorite tricks can be easily done at home for a few minutes everyday with some amazing results! All you need? A tennis ball!

Before beginning, I like to stretch down to see how far I can reach so I can compare afterwards and to measure my progress over time. I've found that even after only one session, I can gain a few inches of reach.

Standing up tall, start by rolling the tennis ball under your feet with moderate pressure. If you have trouble keeping your balance, stand close to a wall so you can use it as a prop. Make sure to massage from the front to the back of your foot, including under your toes. After you have done one foot for a minimum of 2 minutes, switch to the other foot. It is as easy as that!

This technique is wonderful for people who are on their feet all day. Do this when you get home after a long day and feel all that tension melt away! (It seems to work faster than attempting to subtly imply to your significant other that you would appreciate a foot massage. I may be known to attempt this technique with varying success: *cough... cough... foot sneaks onto lap... "Whoops... well since it is there, do you mind getting me a foot rub, please?"*)

Try using this technique once a day. I usually do it every morning along with my usual yoga routine. See where it fits best into your schedule. You could even keep a tennis ball under your desk to do this at work!

Make sure to listen to your body. It is possible to hurt yourself by overdoing it, so pay attention to pressure and time.

A little tip from personal experience: keep your tennis ball in a drawer so it doesn't get covered in dog slobber! Yuck!

Do you have tight hamstrings too? Have you used this trick before? Happy stretching!
Coastal Sun Salutation Flow

"Sun salutations can energize and warm you, even on the darkest, coldest winter day."
Carol Krucoff

Known in Sanskrit as Surya Namaskara, sun salutations are a common core set of yoga asanas that are great way to warm up your body, stretch it out, and give it a little work out before your day. Additionally, many yogis like to begin their longer yoga practice with sun salutations as well. I have found that even on especially sleepy morning, my initial morning sun salutes quickly help me awaken and center, so I often like to prolong my time on the mat and transition into a more in-depth practice.

Sun salutations are a great way to honor the brilliant sun, the earth, and the life that they forms, so this practice is a time to be mindful and radiate gratitude. During my most recent trip to the coast, I was so overwhelmed with gratitude for Mother Earth that I found it necessary to "stop, drop, and yoga"!

The following video illustrates my current favorite sun salutation variation. Given the loose sand, my practice is a little faster and less exact than usual (thus the slipping and sliding). However, when you are given the opportunity to stick your toes in the sand and connect with the natural world around you, you take it! Remember: it is a yoga practice, not a yoga perfect!

Note: Basic sun salutes do not include all of the asanas I have incorporated in this practice, such as three-legged downward dog, warrior 1+2, or triangle pose. I currently am working on a post that will give a breakdown of a common sun salutation, so stay tuned!

This was such a lovely experience, because what better way to remind yourself to maintain your "ocean yoga breath" than listening to the waves beside you?!

PS: If you look closely, you can see the dingo exploring the beach in the background!

Do you do daily sun salutations? Do you have a favorite variation?